Contemplating a super short haircut you have to be very sure before you decide to make the leap. A great tip is to pull your hair back and visualize what it would look with shorter hair. Generally oval facial shapes carry this style very well, however, if your face is long, wide and round you should opt for a shorter haircut. A super short haircut is refreshingly manageable, wash and go style if you will. These cuts are not for the faint of heart, however, because they are shorter, but with wide confidence this style can be drawn beautifully. The layers of different lengths to add a touch of volume. You can have textured pixie bangs or leave them a little more style and at any angle.
A short haircut length of the jaw is characterized by the fact that it is longer on the sides with layers and bangs. This cut will be perfect if you have fine hair, as it will complete it look fuller. If you have a face shape diamond - avoid this long, and accentuating the jaw line. This cut is very versatile because it can have different lateral separations, curl your hair, add lines reconstructed, using a hair straightener and much more complete.
The hair cut to chin is ideal for anyone and this is probably the short hair style more versatile. Lengths for this style vary and may be cut into layers, kept at one length or graduated. Bangs look superb and finish with a soft feminine styling and can be of any length. Experiment with different ways, for example, putting her hair behind her ears with a gentle touch, with a curling iron to achieve romantic locks or by adding some hair accessories, etc.